Simones Blog

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*  The Covid Blog:

​​*​​ See Associated Press series 'Torn From the Land,' which deals with the unlawful taking of black owned land in America:
​​​​   part 1

​​​​​* USPS Crimes Link:

Current Sit

​​​​​​​​​Current Situation:  Staying upbeat and always in prayer, altho I was tried and tested during these past 21 days. Still, sometimes the  blessing is in the struggle, and the learning and awakening that it can bring. At the end of the day tho, its like the song writer once said, if you just hold out til tomorrow... 

Just Saying:
I do not say "excuse me" to people who purposefully get in  my way so as to force me to interact with them. That is, there are people who get in my way and stand there like a rock, just so as to make me say "excuse me," but I'm not going to do it. Of course, if  I think it is a natural situation, that's different, but I am not   saying "excuse me," to someone who is standing there  in an effort to force me to interact. I'm not going to do it. I will just walk around them or wait for them to move. 

And then there's an increasing  number of people​​ ​who are touching me in public, usually women. They think if they touch me, they will have the intangible gifts God has  blessed me with, but they will not. My blessing is for me. Your blessing is for you. You can't have mine, and I don't want yours. He has a blessing with your name on it tho, but again, you can't have mine.  The funny thing is that  a lot of people don't want the blessing God has for  them, they want the blessing  God has for me (smh).  But you can't have mine... because I'll fight you over it. And , understand that you can't get a blessing  from touching me  because Gods favor doesn't work like that.   Of course, when I lay hands on  or pray for my loved ones, thats different, but just random people  coming for my anointing ... sorry. My anointing is for me and mines (and ya'll know who ya'll  are).  Its  more than concerning to have the world coming for my anointing tho, but again, its mine -- get yours. Please.​​​​

​Shout out to crooked attorneys and their frivolous lawsuits: Ya'll know better than to name a corporate defendant​ that didn't even exist when the events alleged in your complaint transpired, but these frivolous suits keep the system paid don't they?  Moreover, this is how you smoke out the owners of a company, or counsel for same, in an effort to see who will show up in court to defend against or dispute your fraudulent hooey. Its such a game  isn't it ? Fa sho... and profound proof that ya'll are the real vexatious litigators.​​


​​​September 7, 2024 Blogbit ​​(edited 2:33 pm EST)

The nursing home industry is a frightful thing. I have always known that, consequently,  I would never  put anyone in there, as these facilities are generally characterized by ​poor help or no help, abusive staff, neglect and more.  And there are few exceptions. Suffice to say that, you may enter in good or reasonably good health, but  theres a near gurantee that you will deteriorate on a physical, psychological and emotional level if you stay there too long.  That said, you better pray that you maintain all your faculties, or have a power of attorney while you're in there, because if you don't , you will not get out of "the home." Why? Because you are a pay check for the company that owns "the  home," thats why -- thus you ain't going nowhere. Of course,  if you push too hard to leave, or someone pushes on your behalf, "the home,"  or somewhere therein, will try to make you a ward of the state, especially if you have assets. In fact, the effort to make someone a ward of the state, generally only happens if there are assets. If you do NOT have assets, trust and believe, "the home,"  or the county and  state  in which "the home" is situated, will NOT try to  appoint a guardian, or make you a ward of  the state, because, again, this only happens if you have assets. If you are  penniless, they will not  try to make you a ward of the state, but they WILL take yo house when you die. Real Talk.   

​​And just in case you think the state ombudsman can help you... think again. The state ombudsmans office is worse than a joke, and is set up so that,  only the victim or resident can seek the ombudsmans help. It will not act on behalf of a family member who reports that "the home" won't let the resident out for a doctors appointment, mammogram,  dental appointment, visit to the BMV, family function, holiday, or etc.  It will not act on behalf of a family member who reports that  "the home"  unplugged the residents phone, so that it is not  accessible for in bound or outbound calls, and, as such, the resident can not be reached. It will not act on behalf of a family member who reports that the residents television does not work, and, as such, the residents "stay" is comparable to being in solitary confinement at a prison. It will not act on behalf of a family member who reports that , at one time, the residents "bedding" consisted of a mattress on the floor-- no bed frame, no box spring,  just a mattress on the floor. It will not act on behalf of a family member who reports this type of  "care" as abuse, if not torture. It will not act on behalf of a family member who reports that at least one member of the nursing home staff takes her break in the residents room, despite that staff have designated break areas, and residents rooms are not among them. It will not act on behalf of a family member who   reports that "the  home" is billing for physician and dental services , that are not  being performed, and have never been performed during the residents "tenture" at "the home."  It will not act on behalf of a family member who reports that a  member of  "the homes"  nursing staff was having an affair with the residents husband, and seeking monetary favors from same. It will not act on behalf of a family member who suggests that, at a minimum, the aforementioned nurse should be  terminated for unethical behavior. It will not act on behalf of a family member who alleged that the resident was being drugged at one point,  which was evidenced by  the presence of hundreds of loose, tiny green pills that the family member observed in the residents lower dresser drawer, and also evidenced by  the  fact that the resident was extremely incoherent with glassy eyes. No, the ombudsman will not act on behalf of a family member who raises such concerns. Instead, it will only act on behalf of the victim or resident who raises such concerns , which is problematic if the victim/resident has deteriorated  to the point where he or she can not speak effectively for him or herself. So, despite  instances  where there is clear abuse occurring,  and events are playing out that are unethical or harmful to the resident, the ombudsman  will do nothing in the face of it-- unless and until the resident makes contact with te ombudsman, despite that he or she may be unable to do so.  Long story short ? The nursing home industry is nothing more than a self serving, money grab for those who own them, and death chambers for those who reside there.  So beware... watch yo back  ... because if you  go into "the home," nine times outta ten,  you ain't coming out alive... but if you do ( ie. come out alive) it won't be without a fight.

S​​​​​eptember 6, 2024 Blogbit

Belated birthday shout out to Damon Wayans (September 4). Sorry this is late , but I was watching Marlon on Club Shay Shay , and then had to make a peach cobbler, a turkey, and some corn bread dressing for the Revival ( yeah, we eat good). I  had run out of  sage tho, so had to run  cross town to get some  sage ( 'cause you know they don't sell sage in da hood). Anyway, I was up all night,  and the time just slipped away. The next day , I had to put a squatter outta my house-- no eviction-- just put him out (lol)  ( you know how I roll). Anyway, the squatter was  in there runnin the lights up like it was Christmas on Times Square, ditto for the gas and  water ... just runnin  the utilities up like he crazy, and I been  payin for it, so he hadta go !!! You feel me? Then I hadta feed the dog, who, by the way, had been missin  since last weekend  ( don't ask). I guess he had been out partying or whatever. You know how that be, but he was hungry when he came back... howling and jumping all up on the doe at 3 in the morning, so I couldn't do nuthin else but feed him ( you know how it be).  Anyway, I am just now  getting a minute to say Happy Birthday and hope you had an awesome day: so Happy Birthday and I hope you had an awesome day. That being said, I promise I will be more punctual next year ( fr fr), but for now, I gotta go handle some n out in da street. No worries tho, I got this, cause I'm a savage. Real talk. HBBD!!! Ttyl !!! 😁

​​​posted now​​​​​​​​​

(note: Below is a re-worked version of a post that I added yesterday, but inadvertently deleted thereafter.  That said, this isn't exactly what I said or how I said it, but its close, fyi):

Regardless of how heinous the act,​ 14 year old Apalachee High School shooting suspect, Colt Gray, should not be tried as an adult, because, pursuant to Georgia Code Title 39-1-1,  Gray is a minor. Likewise, TJ Lane,  who was convicted for Ohio's 2012 Chardon High School shooting, should not have been tried as an adult, because, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code Section 3109.51, Lane was a minor at the time of the incident. 

​That being said, all  fifty states, plus the District of Columbia​, have clearly established the legal definition of an adult.  In Alabama and Nebraska, it is 19. In  Misssissippi, it is 21. In Georgia, Ohio and all other states, plus the District of Columbia, it is 18.​​ The bottom line then, is that the rules are there for a reason, and, in the interest of justice, ​​​they must be adhered to, or amended in a manner that is consistent with law, but they can not continue to be amended from the bench , or by rogue  prosecutors  in pursuit of a conviction at any cost.

​posted now

Speaking of the TJ Lane case though,  since  Lane was  determined  to be "mentally insane"  following a competency exam ahead of the proceedings, how on Earth was he deemed fit to stand trial ?! Given the circumstances,  Lane should have been found "not guilty by reason of insanity." Instead, he  was tried ... as an adult ... no less!!!  And the fact that Lane was tried,  despite  the results of his mental competency evaluation, raises serious questions that  are long overdue to be asked in an equally long overdue effort to void Lanes conviction.

​That Lane was determined to be mentally incompetent, but still went to trial , is just one part of the problem, because, again, Lane, pursuant to Ohio Revised Code 3109.51, was a minor.  And even  amateur sleuth's​ like myself know, that a suspects juvenile status is not up for debate. In other words... it is what it is, because juvenile status is clearly defined by the Ohio Revised Code as "under 18 years of age." Lane was 17, and as such... a minor, consequently, he should not have been tried as an adult. 

​That ​​Assistant Geauga County Prosecutor Nicholas Burling, and then Geauga County prosecutor, now 14th District US Congressman David Joyce, improperly tried  Lane as an adult, is just one of two grave errors that should be the basis of an effort to void Lanes conviction. The other error relates to the fact that Lane was tried in spite of a  psychiatric evaluation that determined him to be mentally insane. Other errors include, but are not limited to: (1) the Courts  denial of  defendants Motion For Change of  Venue,  which  it sought in response to extensive  "news coverage and community passions,"  (2)  Lane's guilty  plea, which, arguably, may have been entered as a result of coercion , and (3)  Ineffective counsel, because, at the end of the day,  Lane relied on counsel Ian Friedman and Mark DeVan to call the shots, and thats precisely what they did. Unfortunately,  based on a review of the record,  those "shots" were, arguably, not called with Lanes best interests in mind, but that of the prosecutor and the county in general.

One things for sure, Geauga County was eager to wrap the Lane case up. It wanted somebody behind bars,  and the case and all of the media scrutiny and publicity that went with it, to go away.  So, it did and it has.  That is, Geauga  County did wrap the case up, and  the  scrutiny and publicity has subsided... for the time being anyway-- at least until a defense attorney  or civil rights organization with some real swag, steps forward to  void Lanes conviction, because  a conviction entered under the aforementioned circumstances, simply,  can not stand.

( note: in light of Lanes guilty plea, no trial was actually held​, but given the results of his competency exam, he should have been deemed unfit to stand trial, and a "not guilty by reason of insanity" plea should have been  entered and allowed. In fairness to DeVan and Friedman though, it was their intent to enter a '​not guilty by reason of insanity plea,' but they  encountered resistance from Prosecutor Burling. Still , DeVan and Friedman should have fought harder  on all fronts, because they owed it to their  client to do so).



​​September 3, 2024 Blogbit

The site will be offline for a few days, but check back periodically, it will be updated when time permits.

S​​​​​​eptember 2, 2024 Blogbit

Happy Birthday Harvey Levin  and  Katt Williams 💕


A​​​​ugust 28, 2024 Blogbit

Happy Anniversary Jeri & Mike: Thanks for sharing YOUR world with THE world 💕 Love u both 💕
Oh, and here's an anniversary day song that I picked out for ya'll ( P.S. Jeri , why do I just KNOW this was your jam back in the day gurl (lol) ??? Enjoy 😍


​August 18, 2024 Blogbit   

​Yes Canton, we're still on tap to talk, but I have to re-schedule yet again. I will let you know the new date and time, so check back. 


August 16, 2024 Blogbit

Just a reminder that the shift posts will run sporadically thru November 5, but will  typically take a  break​ on  weekends.​​​​​​


A​​​​​​​​ugust 15, 2024 Blogbit

"The Real Function of the Monica Lewinsky  Headlines," which  was set to be the second shift post ,  will post at a later date. Just fyi


A​​​​​​​​ugust 5, 2024 Blogbit

Started a new feature  today called, ' Well , Since U Asked."   It'll update periodically. 


A​​​​​​​​​​​​ugust 2, 2024  Blogbit

​​So, below is the response that I recently received from  the Ohio Department of Development regarding the HEAP application that I submitted, but never received a response to (and of course the program is now closed ).   

Here's the response:
Thank you for contacting the Home Energy Assistance Program

I hope this email finds you well. I wanted to check if you still require any assistance, please don’t hesitate to reach out by sending us another email and I’ll be happy to assist you further.

explore our website at  to gain a better understanding of the available options.

Thank you for your attention.

And this was the follow up that was received  in a separate email on the same day:​

Dear ,

Your request has been marked as resolved. Please see the resolution notes below.
Resolution notes (if any):
If you still need additional information, please reply to this email to reopen your case.

Ohio Department of Development

So,  obviously, I continue to pay a tremendous price for being me , since this is clearly a game. As I  have said in the past tho,  Ohio will always be my permanent place of residence, because I will not allow the state and its corrupt officials and employees to run me out, despite that is  clearly what they are trying to do.  I'll have to talk more about the  state and other issues I 've had in and  with  it at  some point down the road however, because I really don't have time  for it right now.

Pathetic tho isn't it? And to think , someone, namely ​ Lydia Mihaliks,  gets paid to  run this sloppy outfit ( ie. Ohio Department of Development).


J​​​​​​​uly  30, 2024  Blogbit

When  and The Plain Dealer  get through  "asking questions"  about Basheer Jones,  maybe  they 'll  ask a  few questions about former  attorney general, now Governor Mike De Wine, and how he used the Ohio Attorney Generals office to take control of Mt Zion Baptist Church , despite he had no legal standing whatsoever to do so. Where's the investigation on that? And how  and why has all of Ohio media  either ignored that story or distorted it?​​  Moreover,  where's the FBI investigation on DeWines takeover, or were they in on it?


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