Election Blog 2024

*** pinned post ***

The best to ever do it: Estee Palti​​​




​October 7, 2024 Election Blogbit

Still need to register to  vote ??? Register online @ vote.org​  or  complete, print, and mail your voter registration application, but it must have todays post mark on it, because the​​ ​deadline is today if you are planning to vote in the November 5  election.


​O​​​​​ctober 1, 2024 Election Blogbit

A key function of  the massive immigrant influx, is to insure a Blue Party victory in November. Simply, they likely can't win without the immigrant vote, and they know it. 


​S​​​​​​eptember  28, 2024 Election Blogbit

Here are some important dates and deadlines if you are registered to vote in Ohio:

​Military & Overseas Absentee Voting: Begins September 20

Deadline to Register to Vote: October 7 (Boards open until 9:00 p.m.)

Early In-Person Voting: October 8 - November 3, and includes the two Saturdays and the two Sundays before Election Day.

Absentee Voting By Mail: Begins October 8

Election Day: November 5 (Polls Open 6:30 a.m. - 7:30 p.m.) If not returned by mail, absentee ballots must be received by your board of elections by 7:30 p.m.​​​​



S​​​​​​​​​eptember 26, 2024 Election Blogbit

This election is  merely about making sure that the two party system prevails in America. I say that because  the Red party has a legitimate basis  upon which to challenge Kamala Harris ( ie. citizenship), yet they  haven't done it.


​​​Because if they challenge her and win , she would be off the ballot, which would open the door for a third party victory. And that could change the game forever.  So, no, they're not going to raise  formal questions about her citizenship, because, this election season is not about winning. Its about making sure things stay the same.​​


S​​​​​​​eptember 23, 2024 Election Blogbit

​​​Kamala Harris: She Not Like Us 

In an essay entitled "Reflections of a Jamaican Father," (2018), Donald J. Harris​​ revealed that he was a descendant of Hamilton Brown, who founded Browns Town, Jamaica (formerly known as Hamilton Town). In addition, and per geni.com, Brown was born in 1776, and is described as "an Irish-born British sugar planter and slave owner," who served as a member of the House of Assembly of Jamaica for 22 years. The real skinny tho, is that , according to geni.com, Brown was blue party presidential candidate Kamala Harris's great - great- great grandfather !!! So THIS may be the information Miss Jackson was referring to​ IF she raised questions about the racial make up of either the presidential candidate or her parents.

Or was it the information on Kamala Harris's 1964 birth certificate (see below) that Miss Jackson was referring to​, IF she raised questions about the racial make up of either the presidential candidate or her parents ???

​​​​​​​​​​​Simply, per the birth certificate of the "They Not Like Us" presidential candidate, her mothers color or race is noted as 'Caucasian,' while her fathers color or race is noted as 'Jamaican.' For the record however, 'Jamaican,' is neither a color nor a race, nevertheless, that is the racial classification that is reflected for Donald Jasper Harris on Kamala Harris's birth certificate. And it is THIS information that Miss Jackson may have been referring to IF she raised questions about the racial make up of either the presidential candidate or her parents.

​​That said, the real question for Yours Truly, is not whether the "They Not Like Us" presidential candidate is black​​, or, for that matter, whether her parents, grand parents, great - grand parents , great - great - grandparents or great- great- great grand parents were black, white or polka dot. The question for Yours Truly is whether Kamala Harris is a U.S. citizen, because, clearly, pursuant to the Immigration and Nationality Act aka McCarran – Walter Act of 1952: she not like us.





                                                                   ​ ​ #

​September 22, 2024 Blogbit

If Kamala Harris had actually accomplished something during her years of service, the media would be talking about ​those acts -- not  her race, gender or nationality.​​ 



S​​​​​​​​eptember 21, 2024 Election Blogbit

​​Kamala Harris is Indian and Jamaican. Periodt. I would not normally bring it up, but  since she is marketing herself as a "homegirl," and  otherwise pandering for the black vote... lets keep it real.



​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​S​​​​​​​​​eptember  20, 2024 Election Blogbit

I don't think the Republican Party is too eager to secure a win in this election, because if it were, it would be raising formal questions about Kamala Harris's citizenship or lack thereof, which, if properly raised, could potentially result in her being removed from the ballot. Consequently, this would clear the way for the Red party presidential candidate (ie. former President Trump), to enter a near uncontested race. But there has not been one peep from the Red party  regarding Harris's citizenship or lack thereof, which is a topic that  Eric J Brewer effectively address's in his well researched article @ejbnews.com

There should be a full and formal investigaton regarding her citizenship, and unless and until there is, I am not convinced she is a U.S. citizen. 

​​​And  is  it just me, or is Kamala Harris's father (Donald  J. Harris), notably absent from the campaign trail? I mean, for real tho, bruh ain't been seen or heard from...  well, not since Kamala's 2019 bid for the presidency anyway. At that time, he provided the following statement to Jamaica Global Online:

​​ “Speaking for myself and my immediate Jamaican family, we wish to categorically dissociate ourselves from this travesty."


Click the herein  link to find out what 'travesty' he was referring to.



S​​​​​​​​​​​​​eptember 6, 2024 Election Blogbit

Ok, so RFK will potentially be on the ballot in 37 states (click this link), but will definitely not be on the ballot in 13.  That said,  I say we can still win this thing if everybody... literally everybody... in the 37 states in  which he appears on the ballot, votes Kennedy. So lets make it happen. ​ We can't afford to lose.​​

And please ignore the media spin about whats possible or not possible in this election , because it is precisely that: media spin.. no more , no  less.

​​update: So, he's removing himself from the ballots in various states. That said, as of September 10,   he's on 21 ballots, down from 37, which, obviously, doesn't bode well for those of us who are still  #TeamKennedy. 

​​                                                                #

S​​​​​​​eptember 4, 2024  Election Blogbit


​​Fascinating article by Eric J Brewer raises alarming questions about Kamala Harris's citizenship:




​​September 3, 2024 Election Blogbit

​​​Guess what? A suspended campaign doesn't mean what we thought it meant. That is, we THOUGHT it meant: the partys over.... but it does not. In fact, per pascovotes.com and similar sources, " if the political landscape changes dramatically, a suspended campaign could potentially spring back to life." The real news tho, is that, if ya'll vote for RFK in November, it counts as a vote, because he suspended his campaign, rather than terminated it. And there's a difference. ​​Soooo, that being said, I'm back on the 'All the Way With RFK' bandwagon.

​​The question is: who wit me ?  ​👀


​A​​​​​ugust 24, 2024 Election Blogbit

So, the campaign has been suspended, and, frankly, by mid - morning on Friday , I  knew it probably would be , after realizing that (1)  despite he had collected enough signatures to gain ballot access, he still was not on  the ballot in most states, and,  (2) the Democratic Party  had filed several  frivolous lawsuits in various states to  prevent him from gaining ballot access, so  an already uphill battle was becoming steeper and more difficult to overcome. And even if he successfully challenged the litigation on appeal, think of the cost,  in terms of time and burden it would require. I'm not even sure it would have been humanly possible for him to address it all, or worth it for that matter, so , while Fridays news  was a disappointment, it was not a surprise.

​​The take away tho ?

The take away ​​​remains what it was at the onset of  the campaign: swift changes need to be made to the election process, because America can not continue to be dominated by the same two political  parties  that are currently running the game.

A​​​ugust 23, 2024 Election Blogbit

If there's one thing the media isn't telling you , it's that​ RFK is being sued in a number of states  because of the Democratic  Partys effort to keep him off the ballot. Click the below link  to hear him discuss  the frivolous lawsuits he's facing, and how he intends to challenge them:


note: Speech today  @  2 pm EST  ...  streaming on  X  and most other  social media.


A​​​​​ugust 22, 2024 Election Blogbit

Don't do it... Don't drop out 😵😵😵.  Imma be pissed off if you do.  See it thru.... at least wait until after  Labor Day, otherwise, you bouta mess up my flow ( real talk).

A​​​ugust 21, 2024 Election Blogbit

So,  there were  a few ambiguous statements in Michelle Obama's DNC speech last night, and I suspect they were intentionally  ambiguous.  Again, there were only a few tho, because, had there been more, they would have been glaringly obvious,  which would have made  it easier to differentiate  between what she was  saying vs what she was REALLY saying. So she threw in  a few  ambiguous statements for good measure , and kept it moving.

​​Its called  "double talk"  in some circles... and I'll try to decode it all,  by or before the end of the week.

​​​Until then: don't fall for the  okey doke ya'll... or should I say, the "alleged okey doke..."  #Stay woke.

note:  Michelle Obama's speech was not the only DNC speech that was laced with ambiguous statements. There were others, but for the record, and due to time restraints, I'm only going to decode  her "double talk." 

​A​​​​​ugust 20, 2024  Election Blogbit

Don't drop out Cuz !!!  You got this​ !!! Plus, America needs you !!! ( Real Talk)  This election  can  not / will not  be business as usual, but we need you to make the difference.


A​​​​ugust 19, 2024 Election Blogbit

​Shout out to the Plain Dealer, cleveland. com, and other media selling Kamala Harris  on the basis of  her skin color and gender.  Sorry, but  that Harris is a woman of color, is insufficient basis upon which to build  a  Presidential campaign, be it hers or any other.  Simply, no  one  should build his or her campaign on the basis of gender  or skin color. And thats on periodt.

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​A​​​​​​​​​ugust 17, 2024  Election Blogbit

So, is the Harris campaign buying space on the Drudge Report? I ask because, it seems odd that  she is featured so prominently on Drudge these days... with non - stop  pro Harris coverage. It seems very suspect to me.  


​posted now

As of today,  RFK  is on the ballot  in  all but four states​ ( ie. Wyoming,  Arizona, Kentucky and Mississippi), consequently, he qualifies for the next debate, and must be included if one is held on September 10 as planned. If he is not included , or if the debate is cancelled, it will be for one reason and one reason only: "they" simply do not want him to be heard, because if he is heard,  it will be clear that, contrary to the media spin that excludes him,  he is the only man for the job.​​​

note: I got this wrong,  he completed the process that will allow for him to gain  ballot access,  but  he  is still trying to finalize the access ballot issue  in  many states. 

A​​​​​​​​​ugust 1, 2024  Election Blogbit

​While I did  not watch the  LIVE STREAM  of the  NABJ (National Association of Black Journalists)  Q & A  with former President Trump, I have since seen the  replay. That said, if the  Q & A took a turn for the worst (and it did) , the NABJ has only itself to blame.  First,  the  Q & A,  which was moderated by Rachel Scott (ABC News), Kadia Goba (Buzz Feed) , and Harris Faulkner (Fox News),  got off  to  a  late start by thirty minutes 😵, which was fully  unacceptable, since   "CP Time"   simply has no place at this or any other large scale event. Second,  lead moderator  Rachel Scotts exchange with the former president was, at best: curt, terse , confrontational, and devoid of the objectivity one would expect from  a seasoned journalist , or even an amateur. Consequently,  the interview was difficult to watch, and took on a combative tone  that was  due almost entirely to Scott, whose  anti - Trump stance  was evident, and not a good look for a journalist, where, again, objectivity is key.

​​At the end of the day, Scott's  "performance," was no surprise, but instead, mirrored that of her employer... a once respectable news organization that now, arguably, advances  party agendas, and  has become little more than the Democrat partys  "bitch."   
​                                                               #


J​​​uly 29, 2024  Election  Blogbit

If it weren't for the fact that presidential hopeful Kamala Harris is being marketed to us as an African American woman who should get our vote for that reason, I would not  even mention her race or ethnicity , but since she is  being marketed to us as an African American woman who should get our vote for that reason,  I feel compelled to remind some, and advise others,  of the following: 

​​Kamala Harris's mother, Shyamala Gopalan, was born and raised  in  India​​, which means Harris, is of Indian descent, and, by way of  her father, Donald J Harris , she is also of Afro-Jamaican descent, since  her father, a professor emeritus at Stanford University, was born and raised in Jamaica.

​​Gopolan and Harris met  while both were students at the University of  California, Berkeley. Theirs was a short lived marriage from 1963 - 1971, during which time Kamala, who spent her formative years in Canada, was born. 

Fast forward  to 2004,  and  Kamala's tenure in government begins with a controversial eight year stint  as  District Attorney  of San Francisco,  followed  by a six year stint as Attorney General of  California,  five years as State  Senator ( California) , and , since 2021,  Vice President of the United States But wait, theres more.  As of July 22, 2024, she  is  the  presumptive Democratic nominee  for  President of the United States, which is all fine and well, but for the fact that, again, she is being marketed to us as an African American woman who should get our vote for that reason. Moreover,  and truth be told, not only is she being marketed to us as an African American woman who should get our vote for that reason, she is being marketed to us as Soul Sister #1, who should get our vote for that reason also.

​But is she  REALLY an African - American woman or Soul Sister # 1 ?

​Even if your  answer is " yes," the  fact is,  one's  fitness to serve as President of the United States  should not be determined  or even influenced by ones race, gender or  ability to git down, but instead, by ones accomplishments  and /or game plan to move the country forward. The media  and government then, should not  be  'selling'  Kamala based on race, gender and swag, with the idea that  such a calculated marketing campaign will elevate her from VP to Prez.  Should they think otherwise however, and continue to  do so, both are in for a rude awakening.


J​​​​​​uly 27, 2024  Election Blogbit

​My cousin's  holding  a Town Hall  with Tik Tok  influencers  on  Sunday (July 28). It starts  at  7 pm EST.  Here's the link if you'd like to  attend 



​​​​​Likewise, on Tuesday (July 30)  from  3 - 4 pm EST, he'll be holding  a  Q & A with baby boomers on Facebook.  
Here's the link for that event if you'd like to attend

And  awww snap ... the online store   ... 👀 ...  But see, thats what  I'm talkin bout  tho

​​​​​​​​J​​​​​uly 22, 2024  Election Blogbit

Our future president, RFK Jr., reacts to Bidens announcement and more, during Sundays press conference in Hyannis Port (note: you'll want to watch this one in its entirety, as well as his  interview with Jesse Watters )  #47

​​​​​J​​​​​​​​uly 21, 2024  Election Blog

I'm not really surprised​  to hear that President Biden has dropped out of the race. I saw it coming -- not because of the  alleged pressure to drop out, but because I don't think he  ever REALLY wanted to run for president... not now, not ever. I also think a lot of his recent fumblng , bumbling   and  brain fog has been an act , purposefully designed to justify  dropping out of a  race that he never wanted to enter. Likewise,  I'd say the same for the sound byte uttered by George Stephanopolous -- in that  his was a carefully uttered comment.  I mean, since when does George Stephanopolus  turn on his party? Since never... and certainly not on camera, unless  of course its all staged to facilitate Bidens exit, and the Master Puppets entrance. Stay tuned...


​​​​​J​​​​uly 15, 2024 Election Blogbit

Well, well, well. Secret Service protection  finally  granted  huh? Thats great news. I'm just sorry it took an assassination attempt to  get  it  done.​​

J​​​​​​​​​​​uly 14, 2024  Election Blogbit  

So , the always clever, talented  and outspoken  Amanda Seales ,  has outright proclaimed  yesterdays  "assassination attempt"  on the former president to be a staged event. In other words, Seales says the whole thing was fake !!!   Here's  the now deleted video she posted to Instagram :  

Hypothetically speaking tho, if yesterdays events were staged, what would be the motive or motives for staging such an event?

​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​Well, let's see:


​​( 1) Ratings? Could it be that yesterdays "assassination attempt" (if staged) was designed to boost ratings for the upcoming  RNC convention , which begins tomorrow, and runs thru the 18th?

                                                     ​​  or maybe

(2) Re-writing the narrative? Could it be that yesterdays " assassination attempt " (if staged) was designed to shift the talking point around "the Donald" from "convict" to "victim? ​"

Hmmm...perhaps either... or perhaps both   (hypothetically speaking of course).

Who knows... but one things for sure...  despite it all,   "the Donald" stll managed to say hello to his (alleged) homies and allies, and for  THAT  they should be  appreciativ​​posted now

​And  one last thing,  watch yo back for the  fake comments, responses, bots, controlled media platforms ,  controlled social media platforms, black  puppets, white puppets, and etc who will ( if they haven't already) denounce Seales on cue for speculating about the legitimacy of yesterdays events.

​​But exactly why is she being denounced? Well, she's being denounced because she, like other black  celebrities, black  public figures, high profile blacks and the like,  may do only one of two things in  modern day America:  (1) Say what she is  told to say, when she is told to say it  or ( 2)  Zip it 

​​Anything beyond that is unacceptable.

​​​And just to be clear, the current backlash that Seales is already facing from  "a bought and paid for media and its servants," ( which now extends to  social media platforms and comments therein ) is not in response to her theory, because , quite frankly, the same  media and puppets  who are denouncing  Seales, have,  in recent years, called Trump everything but a child of God. So where and how do they get off denouncing her when they have said worse? Naw... Seales theory  ain't the issue. The issue is that Seales, as a  high profile black woman  ( or black woman in general  for that matter), dared to  say something the man didn't direct her to say. THAT'S the issue. Simply, if the  man didn't  give you the script, you aint supposed to say it, but ...​​Seales said something she hadnt been pre programmed to say, and THAT, is the issue.​​

Look on the bright side tho. At least she didn't claim that  his real estate  business  is a front for the drug trade. At least she didn't claim that his money comes from  drug trafficking , and  real estate  ventures that are intricately set up throughout the country to house such activity. At least she didnt claim that various government officials and entities were also involved,  and/or propping  it all up.   In fact, she said nothing of the sort. All she said  was : based on her years and experiences in da hood,  the details of yesterdays events simply do not add up. Thats all she said.

​​She did not  make any claim  that aligned   the former president to the drug trade ,  because, had  Ms Seales made  such  a claim, even I would have to cancel her... unless of course, Ms Seales had the receipts to back  it  up.

​​J​​​​​uly 3, 2024  Election  Blogbit

Hearing all types of  buzz about Joe Bidens possible withdrawal from the  race, but unless or until it happens, ​ I won't comment.​​​

J​​​​​une 27, 2024 Election Blogbit

According to the media ...  "most people are  planning to watch the  debate."
​Really???  Not me.​  And where'd they get those stats from anyway ??? Oh that's right... they made 'em up 😂😂😂

(note: I don't mean to be rude, but I just didn't watch, sorry)


​​​​​​​​June 22, 2024 Election Blogbit

I don't think I'll be watching the  debates...  Its upsetting because, this two party  focus , (despite that  multiple​ candidates are running, and three qualified for the debate), is  workin' my nerves.  Lets face it, we have more than two options. Why doesn't the media  reflect as much?​​

J​​​​​​une 11, 2024  Election Blogbit

The stars are lining up in your favor Cuz  (👀) 

M​​​​ay 31, 2024  Election Blogbit

The so called  'hush money trial'  actually concerns the falsification of business records, or rather, the alleged falsification of business records,  but the media has done such a poor job of covering the story, and , moreover, made Stormy Daniels the face of it, that few understand what the case is  really about. For that matter, the trial should have been televised-- afterall,  defendant Donald J Trump  is a former U.S. president and  currently a  2024 Presidential candidate, thus the trial should have been deemed one of great public interest, and televised, but it was not.  Consequently, at the end of the day, the coverage of the trial, or lack thereof, is  Exhibit A  of my argument that the media  no longer serves us, but is, instead, a self serving entity, advancing its own hidden agenda.


M​​​​​ay 6, 2024  Election Blogbit

If there's one takeaway from this election, it​s  ballot access as a nearly insurmountable  challenge. Simply, a candidate can make all the noise he or she wants, and be  promising to boot, but if that same candidate can't get on the ballot ... issa wrap.   Of course, I'm still hopeful, but, admittedly,  I hate to have unrealistic expectations for the election.


​​​​​​​​April  28, 2024 Election Blogbit

I don't pretend to know what all of the "Trump" litigation is about, but  the timing  of it makes me very uncomfortable. ​​That being said, it seems as if a stay pending the outcome of the  election would have been in order for whatever cases are now before the Court, since its not every day that  the defendant in a case is  a former president, and presidential candidate.  Frankly, those are game changing details, so, as such, I would be okay with a delay of the proceedings  ... but doesn't seem that there's going to be one.

​​And why does he have to be in Court every day?   I mean, since he has counsel, I thought his presence as a defendant would be optional, but then, like I said, I  know very little about the pending litigation, why he is present  every day, or what basis the Court gave for denying a stay -- provided a stay or delay was requested.


A​​​​​pril  19, 2024  Election Blogbit

Don't give up Cuz. God has something in store for you. The country needs you, and He is about to flip the script in your favor. Don't give up before you get your blessing Cuz. This will not be an ordinary election. 

​​Let's make it happen !!!​​  #Kennedy24

A​​​​pril 15, 2024 Election Blogbit

Hang  in there Rfk'ers, and don't pay  any attention to the media spin about who's winning  the election, because the media doesn't know. ​ According to the media tho, this  is a two candidate race, but I beg to differ.  The media is pushin the same tired "two party" agenda that it always does. Yadda Yadda Yadda.   It's all propaganda -- no more no less. Don't go for it, because we can do this !!! #Kennedy24

​​Let's make it happen !!!


March 26, 2024 Election Blogbit

​Kennedy - Shanahan !!!  Off to the White House !!! Let's make it happen !!!   But first, we need an official photo (just saying).



M​​​​​arch 25, 2024 Blogbit

​VP Announcement​ tomorrow ya'll.  Turn up!!!




arch 19, 2024 Election Blogbit

RFK  Jr.  on  Flagrant  is his best, most informative interview ever.  Great questions... great answers. Its Real talk and fascinating.  Please take a moment to watch:

note: The interview is notable for  questioning the  offical narrative  regarding the deaths of  President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy.



M​​​​​​​​arch 14, 2024  Election Blogbit

So, obviously, this page is largely about the upcoming Presidential election, but​ it will occasionally address issues or legislation that may be of particular interest during this election season, such as the 'Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act,' aka the'Tik - Tok ban drama,'that is now  before the Senate. Surely, you've heard of this legislation, as it seeks to ban Tik Tok, unless and until China hands control of its popular app over to ( I assume) the U.S. In any case,  I'm closely monitoring the events,  but since the legislation has only passed in the House, and yet to pass in the Senate, I'll hold off on comments until the final outcome. Of course, I'll comment whether it passes or not, but just waiting to see how the Senate vote goes. Any comment I make will post here... in the Election Blog.


​VP announcement coming on March 26.  Dat's what I'm talkin 'bout tho!!!​



M​​​​​​arch 8, 2024 Election Blogbit

Now THIS is a State of the Union address:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0yvc2Qhn5E


So, the headline  reads: "Trump posts $91 Million Bond and files notice of appeal in E. Jean Carroll case​,"  to which I respond:

​​​Wait... What?! ​​

​​What E. Jean Carroll case? What defamation suit? What 86 Million Judgment?  Frankly, this is the first I've heard about the case, and don't even know what Court its in or when it was filed, but thats probably because the media hasn't covered it effectly, and I  don't have time to chase this or any other story. Simply, I expect the media to keep me informed.  Period. And when one of the parties to such a case is a former President, I expect it to be a  front and center headline in both traditional and online media, but, as far as I can see, it has not been a front and center story. Instead, the posting of the bond and filing of the notice of appeal is the most coverage the story has received to date...or so it seems.  Whats wild tho, is that, apparently, E Jean Carroll received a $5 million  Judgment  last year, and  the former president was a party in that case as well! Amazingly enough, however, I don't know much about either case, and altho I just did a quick search in an effort to gain insight, and to see what I could find in the way of media coverage... I didn't find much. In fact, what headlines I found were vague... too vague to  ascertain wassup, so I guess I'll be out of the loop indefinitely , because at the moment, I'm busy... too busy to chase the story. Of course, if the media would cover these matters in a complete, timely and appropriate manner... I wouldn't have to... ( chase the story that is)

​                                                                       #

M​​​​​arch 5, 2024 Election Blogbit

Do what you gotta do Cuz.  Just git on the ballot !!!​​



​​​F​​​​ebruary 26, 2024  Election Blogbit

Whether social media giants like Youtube, Facebook and X (formerly Twitter), should be able to control public discourse, has become a hot topic  that is now headed for review by the U.S. Supreme Court (see link below):​


Contrary to the opinion expressed at the above link tho, I don't think the issue before the Supreme  Court will "turn" on whether Facebook is "more like a newspaper than a telephone." The issue will "turn" on whether social media giants, such as Facebook, are violating  their users constitutional right to freedom of speech and/or freedom of the press, when  user generated content is censored. The issue will also "turn" on whether  social media giants are bound to uphold the  provisions  of the U.S. Constitution.  Keep in mind that the Constitution says:'
Congress shall make no law  abridging the freedom of speech or of the press.' It doesn't say 'Social media giants shall make no law abridging the freedom of speech or of the press,' consequently, social media giants may  censor content on their platforms without legal consequences, because they are publicly and privately held entities.

Or are they?

Are social media giants (or big tech for that matter)​ REALLY publicly and privately held entities as they purport to be? Or are they, in fact, government operatives?  I allege they  are  government operatives, but are  set up in such a way as  to blur that fact. And what makes me say that? Well, take Twitter for instance, and its deactivation of the Mt Zion Baptist Church Twitter account, which was among the first fatalities when the "cyberspace war on words" began.  The account, which was established in 2008, had minimal activity until around 2016, when it began to mock  the Athens County Court of Common Pleas civil case, 'Ohio vs Mt Zion,' and Ohio Attorney General (now Governor) Mike DeWine , who filed it.  It was pure satire, as the account,  by and thru its  Twitter posts, had a field day  ridiculing the State over its unlawful  actions towards the church.  The posts became more clever with each day, and were largely based on events that were playing out as a result of 'Ohio vs Mt Zion.' And then.... one day, the account was abruptly deactivated, and numeorus attempts to reactivate it or obtain  an explanation for its deactivation failed.

So, what happened?   Why was  the Mt Zion Twitter account deactivated?​

​​The Mt Zion Twitter account was deactivated because  the truth about the government takeover at Mt Zion Baptist Church was never supposed to get out.  Instead, the truth has been replaced with a fabricated narrative  that is being advanced by the media.That said, if, social media giants such as Twitter, are, in fact, government operatives, and not the private or publicly held  entities they purport to be... that would explain  the deactivation of the Mt Zion Twitter account, because,  only  government, or a government operative, would be harmed by  a Twitter account that exposed government misconduct. A private or publicly held entity would not be affected by such revelations, thus a private or publicly held entity would not deactivate an  account that exposed government misconduct, because it would have no need to do so. ​​But again, if  social media giants are, in fact, government operatives that are  in place to advance and protect the governments interests and agenda, that would explain, not just the deactivation of the Mt Zion account, but  the tendency of social media giants to suppress information  that is either contrary to the governments agenda , or exposes government  misconduct.  

The bottom line tho, is: who or what are these social media giants that have consumed our lives and limited our free speech all at the same time? Are they publicly held entities? Privately held entities? Or government operatives? And do they have a  duty to uphold the provisions set forth in the Constitution , such as  freedom of speech or freedom of the press? These are questions that have to be asked and answered.

​​Clearly however, if social media giants are government operatives that exist to advance government agendas, then they are essentially an arm of the government. And if they are an arm of the government, then they have a duty to abide by the provisions set forth in the Constitution, and may not infringe upon the First Amendment rights of their users. ​​​On the other hand, if they are privately or publicly held entities, I suspect social media giants may allow or disallow user content as they see fit, and, unfortunately, there ain't nuthin we can do about it. 

Again,  it all boils down to who or what these social media giants actually are, because if in fact they are government operatives, rather than the private or publicly held entities they have purported to be, then  they must be sanctioned and held accountable,  not just for suppressing  and manipulating user content, but for defrauding the public as well.



​February 24 Election Blogbit

Nikki Haley will not be the Republican Party nominee for President, so why is she getting so much media attention -- and right out of the gate, no less. She's been getting media attention from day one, but why?

​Because she's a distraction, thats why.

​​She's a convenient distraction that allows the media to ignore third party and other candidates who could potentially be real contenders for the White House, but for the fact that the media thoroughly ignores them, and, as a result, you don't even know they exist.​​​​​​​​ I mean, for lambsakes, they could at least tell you who's running.

For instance, in addition to Joe Biden, Dean Phillips and Cenk Uygur  are running ​as 
Democratic Party candidates for the President of the United States. And in addition to Donald Trump and Nikki Haley Ryan Binkley is running as a Republican Party candidate for the President of the United States. And of course, my cousin is running as an Independent party candidate, as is Cornel West. And there are others who are running , but the media is largely covering  status quo candidates such as Joe Biden and  Donald Trump; and for good measure, Nikki Haley.

​​Unless something extraordinary happens tho, Nikki Haley will not be the Republican Party  nominee for President of the United States, but neither will she drop out of the race. So, does she think she can win? I doubt it, but if she drops out,  she will no longer be in the headlines, so I expect her to ride until the wheels fall off, because she's probably loving the publicity. And of course, if she drops out, the media will be forced to talk to some of the other candidates. Ya think? Or maybe at that point, the media would just make it a two party race.  One never knows what the media will do, since most news outlets  can't even maintain an up to date list of Presidential candidates (go figure). In any case, I'm not suggesting Haley drop out of the race, unless she wants to, but I think she has been a distraction from the onset, and a distraction she will remain until  the end, or until her 15 minutes expire... whichever comes first.



​​ ​F​​​​​​ebruary 20, 2024 Election Blogbit

​Imagine if you will, a hypothetical situation where  the Presidential candidates for the two major political parties  cancel themselves outright, and, as a result,  a clear path to the White House with no encumbrances is established for RFK Jr aka the ONLY man for the job.


​​​Imagine that.     ​​



F​​​​​ebruary 7, 2024 Election Blogbit

If there is one thing I truly want and expect from an election, its a fair fight. I don't want to see, or think I see, calculated efforts to trip up or distract a candidate so as to cause one to prevail over the other. Just let the best man ( or woman ) win... and in a manner that is fair and consistent with law.​  For instance,  I see no reason to  "remove Trump" from the ballot. And don't expect The Supreme Court to do it.  You  simply can't take someone off the ballot  without just cause, and the effort to do so is just plain silly at this point. Now, does this mean that I'm suddenly stomping for Trump? No.  My cousins the only man for the job. But fair is fair.  So , lets everybody man up and  proceed in a civilized  manner. Ok?

​​​​​February 4, 2024  Election Blogbit

The opposition is going to take many forms, with the media leading the pack. Bottom line? Kennedy24 is a real  and growing threat, consequently, the effort to undermind his campaign and his credibility is going to intensify.   Because why? Because thats how the game is played. #Staywoke


​​​Here's a great interview tho. ​He really holds his own , answers all questions directly, and demonstrates why THIS presidential election will  be a three way race:



January 30, 2024 Election Blogbit

RFK  Jr.  as the Libertarian Party's Presidential candidate?  Sounds good to me...
Of course,  nothings been finalized as yet,  but if it will streamline the process of getting RFK  on the ballot in all fifty states , and change the trajectory  of the election process in so doing... I'm in.         #Kennedy24   #LetsMakeitHappen

The need for a Kennedy24 campaign and presidency goes to a whole notha level once you understand why George Washington was opposed to the two party system, and, moreover, discover that Washington's term in office predates the formation of the Democratic and Republican political parties.   


January 17, 2024 Blogbit

​​​If there's one take away from this election year ( thus far anyway), it's that America is a two party system, or prefers to be. I mean, let's face it, even the media plays along, because, historically, media covers presidential contenders from the two major parties, and ignores everyone else. And this year is no different. That said, while its not impossible for an Independent or other third party candidate to win a presidential election in this or any other election year.... it ain't easy, because there are impediments to that process... and they are excessive. Still, never say never...especially if you are the best, or rather, the ONLY man for the job.

Happy Birthday to the future President of the United States.​​​


​​(​​​Disclaimer: The views expressed in this blog are solely those of Simone Beverly. This blog is not endorsed by,  nor formally affiliated with any political party, campaign or candidate for President of the United States of America).


​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ Copyright 2024 Black Women in Communications LLC.

update: Wow, that was awesome. Definitely the most intelligent and informed candidate in the bunch. Very impressive... but the sound for sure went haywire  at one point , and  sorry to say, but it did not seem  like a coincidence. In fact,  it seemed  like sabotage, but  no worries, because what part was audible was , again, very impressive. And great turn out... with nearly 200,000 present. Great job !!!